Ring-Necked Dove (Streptopelia capicola)
The ring-necked dove (Streptopelia capicola), also known as the Cape turtle dove or half-collared dove, is a widespread and often abundant dove species in east and southern Africa. Its name is derived from the semi-collar of black feathers on the lower nape. Their body feathers are darkest on the upper side, where they are coloured in dull tones of grey and brown, with shades of lavender on the nape. It is paler below, where a tint of pinkish lavender is usually present. The lower belly and crissum (the undertail coverts surrounding the cloaca) is white. They measure 25-26.5 cm (9.8-10.4 in) and weigh 92-188 g (3.2-6.6 oz).
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